April 27, 2023

In German, simple main clauses can have the same word order as English – Subject-Verb-Object or SVO. However, German word order permits a great deal more variation. It can also be rearranged to draw attention to the object rather than the subject. The only thing you need to remember about this is thatthe verb always

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June 7, 2022

In this article I will explain the dreaded subject of declension (Deklination der Nomen) and the four German grammatical cases (Kasus). Feared by many, but once you understand the rules, it will be much less intimidating. The term declension in the German language describes the inflection (change) of nouns, articles, pronouns and adjectives according to the

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May 24, 2022

Prepositions are used to connect nouns, adjectives, or verbs with other nouns, adjectives, or verbs. Different prepositions go with different cases. They determine the case of nouns, pronouns, articles, and adjectives. This article will explain the difference between prepositions with dative and with accusative as well as mixed prepositions, how they are used, and finish with

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May 10, 2022

As in English, prepositions are an important part of the German language.They might seem like small, unassuming words, but you will find it hard to do without them. Sometimes they can have multiple meanings, depending on context. This can be confusing, but the more you hear and use them, the easier it gets.In this article

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April 26, 2022

You’d be happy to know the definitive and indefinite articles in German are used similarly to those in English. They are different in that they vary based on person, case, and gender. We will give a lot of examples to make it easier and finish with an exercise section to practice what you’ve learned. Ready?

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April 12, 2022

The personal pronouns are the basis to form sentences, which is why they are one of the first things we learn in German! This article will remind you what they are and explain how to use them and how they are formed in the nominative, accusative, and dative cases. We’ll also discuss the pronoun “man” and

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