Think German is hardly a romantic language? Think again! In this article, we’ll go through German words and phrases about love and romance.
If you want to tell your German partner how much you care, check out the list of words and phrases below to help you get your feelings across!
Romantic German Words
Let’s start off with some romantic words in German.
die Liebe | love |
hübsch | beautiful |
das Herz | heart |
die Verabredung | date |
die Freundin | girlfriend |
der Freund | boyfriend |
heiraten | to marry |
die Hochzeit | wedding |
das Paar | couple |
sich verlieben | to fall in love |
die Gefühle | feelings |
tanzen | to dance |
der Liebhaber/die Liebhaberin | lover |
verliebt | in love |
die Beziehung | relationship |
der Kuss | kiss |
küssen | to kiss |
die Leidenschaft | passion |
die Blumen | flowers |
flirten | to flirt |
mein Schatz | my treasure |
Ready for more? We’ve got more romantic German phrases here.
Romantic German Phrases
Ich liebe dich | I love you |
Willst du tanzen? | Do you want to dance? |
Du hast schöne Augen | You have beautiful eyes |
Willst du mit mir ausgehen? | Do you want to go on a date with me? |
Ich habe Schmetterlinge im Bauch | I have butterflies in my stomach. |
Du siehst hübsch aus | You look beautiful. |
Ich habe Gefühle für dich | I have feelings for you. |
Willst du mich heiraten? | Do you want to marry me? |
Kann ich deine Nummer haben? | Can I have your number? |
Hast du einen Freund/eine Freundin? | Do you have a boy/girlfriend. |
Willst du etwas trinken gehen? | Do you want to go for a drink? |
Ich habe mich in dich verliebt | I have fallen in love with you. |
Ich mag dein lächeln | I like your smile. |
But of course, the best way to talk to someone you love in German is to learn the language. You can do that with a copy of German Short Stories. It’s a great way to boost your vocabulary and listening skills! Check it out below.